Scripture Reading - Luke 17:5-6

5 And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.
6 And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you. KJV

Many saints of God desire a robust and strong faith, thinking like the apostle’s thought that the size of our faith is determined by God. Some think that God has the ability to give us a large measure of faith that can overcome everything we will ever face in this life (upon the earth). They believe God will miraculously impart a fully matured faith into their heart if they only ask for it in Jesus Name. However, we can clearly see from this scripture that faith must be developed by what we speak, not by what we ask from God. Specifically your faith can only be strengthened and matured through your own mouth by your own beliefs. The Faith of God came from the Heart of God Himself and was spoken into the heavens and earth to create them.-Refer to Genesis 1, Colossians 1:15-17 and Hebrews 11:1-3 Just like God used His faith to create new things and remove unwanted obstacles we too must use our faith to frame our world in His image and likeness. Although the faith we are using is considered the God kind of faith it is solely our responsibility to express (release) this power of faith outwardly. It is not enough to have a belief in God inside your heart without expressing this belief with your mouth. We must take the belief of God’s Word from our mind to deposit it into our heart by meditation of God’s Word and the outward confession of God’s Word. To boldly speak forth the promise of God’s Word to be established in your life is to be as God. To decree for yourself what the Lord has already decreed for you is walking in God’s Wisdom (His Will) for your life. The grain of mustard seed is the power of God’s Word while the sycamine tree is anything that is contrary to God’s Word that needs to be removed from your path. Commanding the sycamine tree to be removed into the sea is equivalent to calling those things which are ungodly as removed from your life. The removal commandment (exercising your authority in the Name of Jesus) must be given at least once, then simply speak the promise you desire from God’s Word with thanksgiving as the replacement (as a way of life). Doing this will “increase your faith” and allow God’s Power to be released into the specific situations affecting your life. This, my faith friend, will positively change your circumstances, your spirit, your soul and your body for the better in the wonderful Name of Jesus. Amen!